Treatment of hemorrhoids by sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a non-invasive method of treating haemorrhoids using a videoscope under visual control. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and carries a low risk of complications.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

The most common symptom that signals an illness is the appearance of blood after a normal bowel movement. As this symptom may be caused by cancer of the anus, colorectal or anal fissure, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The hemorrhoids themselves do not hurt, but they can cause itching. Pain in hemorrhoids usually occurs with concomitant inflammation, thrombotic lesions or an anal fissure. If pain is the main ailments, its other causes should be ruled out.

Of the variety of symptoms, blood in the stool, on toilet paper, or rectal bleeding is the most dangerous. The related suspicion of rectal cancer should be thoroughly diagnosed, although 90% of this type of symptom is caused by the so-called haemorrhoids, or hemorrhoids. In any case of rectal bleeding, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible!


The doctor diagnoses the disease on the basis of:

  • medical interview,
  • physical examination with a finger – the so-called rectal examination,
  • anoscopy, rectoscopy or colonoscopy.

“Prolapse” of hemorrhoids

Advanced hemorrhoidal disease promotes the prolapse of hemorrhoids outside the anus. It is enough that constipation or pregnancy are enough for the obstructed venous outflow from the superior rectal vein to weaken the supporting tissue, lead to ruptures of the venous ligaments and cause the nodules to fall out of the anus. At first, protruding hemorrhoids have the ability of spontaneous retraction into the anal canal, but with time this ability disappears.

The vascular tissue is replaced by connective tissue, and the nodules either fall out or stay outwards as permanently prolapsed with each bowel movement. They are visible at the mouth of the anal canal. Large haemorrhoids pull down the mucosa, which, remaining outside the intestine, is constantly irritated and reacted with mucus discharge. The anus is constantly moist, there is dirty underwear, a feeling of pressure and pain. There may be persistent itching in the anus.

Sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids

The method involves injecting drugs into the submucosa that cause fibrosis in the hemorrhoid. The procedure is performed under visual control with the use of a videoscope. They are performed under local anesthesia during one or more visits to the office. This treatment is used in first and second degree hemorrhoids. Grade 3 and 4 hemorrhoids require surgical treatment. After the procedure, there may be slight bleeding and a feeling of fullness in the anus area. A few days after the treatment, the symptoms disappear.

Preparation for surgery

An enema should be performed 2 hours before the procedure, the procedure takes about 30 minutes.

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